App Design

The SnoutScout app is a student assignment for the Google UX/UI Certificate. It is designed to match potential owners with pets at local shelters.

The Problem

About 920,000 pets are euthanized each year due to overcrowding. One way to reduce this number is to encourage adoption from shelters, rather than purchasing pets from breeders.

The Question

Would an app that was constantly updated with shelter pets encourage more pet adoptions?

Where do Americans Get Their Pets?

*Aggregated from American Pet Products Association (APPA), the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), the Humane Society of the United States, and Shelter Animals Count

Avatars of Potential Users

Initial Wireframe Sketches

Preliminary Lo-Fi Layout

The Lo-Fi Study

I shared my lo-fi designs with 5 participants, using a script to streamline the process and ensure a uniform delivery.

Lo-Fi Usability Test Script and Outcome (Click to view PDF)

“If I had this app, I would check it every day! I would end up with too many pets because I wouldn’t stop!”

—Michele, study participant

Insights from the Feasibility Study

  • Participants pointed out some dead ends in the app flow where Back buttons were needed.

  • They were also concerned about privacy in the Community and Profile tabs.

  • The asked whether the favorited pets would disappear from the Favorites tab once they were adopted.

  • Concerns are being ranked and addressed in the next round of changes.

Hi-Fidelity Mock-Up

Hi-Fidelity Prototype

Web Design

See the evolution of the proposed website here.

Logo Design

See the evolution of the SnoutScout logo here.